

发布时间:2024-05-18 04:11:47


1. 问候语: - Dear (收信人的名字), - Hi, - Hello,

2. 问候语开头: - How are you? - I hope this card finds you well. - I hope you're doing well.

3. 介绍自己: - My name is (你的名字). - I'm from (你所在地方的名称).

4. 表达想念: - I miss you. - I wish you were here with me. - I think of you often.

5. 描述景色或地方: - It's so beautiful here. - The scenery is breathtaking. - The weather is amazing.

6. 表达对收信人的祝福: - I hope you have a wonderful day. - Wishing you all the best. - Take care of yourself.

7. 结尾语: - Best regards, - Love, - Sincerely,
