End Up Doing Something 造句实例及解析
1. After months of struggling with his health issues, John ended up doing the marathon, which was not his original plan.
2. Despite her initial hesitation, she ended up doing a great job at the new job, much to her surprise.
3. The unexpected traffic jam caused us to end up doing an extra hour of driving.
在第一句中,“John ended up doing the marathon”表示约翰最终决定参加马拉松,尽管这并非他最初的想法。这里的“ended up doing”表达了一种结果,即最终的行动。
在第二句中,“she ended up doing a great job”说明她最终在工作中表现出色,这个结果是她自己也没有预料到的。
在第三句中,“we ended up doing an extra hour of driving”描述了由于交通堵塞,他们不得不额外多开一个小时车。
解释来源:Purdue Online Writing Lab(https://owl.purdue.edu/handouts/grammar/endup.html)
与“End Up Doing Something”相关的常见问题清单及解答
1. 什么是“end up doing something”的意思?
解答:“End up doing something”是一个短语,用来描述某人最终做了某事,通常这个结果不是最初计划或预期的。
2. 这个短语可以用于过去时吗?
3. 我可以将“end up doing something”用于现在时吗?
4. 这个短语可以用于被动语态吗?
5. “End up doing something”和“end up with something”有什么区别?
解答:“End up doing something”表示做了某事,而“end up with something”表示得到或拥有某物。
6. 我可以在这个短语中使用名词吗?
解答:是的,你可以使用名词,比如“After trying many diets, she ended up with a healthier lifestyle.”
7. 这个短语可以用于否定句吗?
解答:可以,比如“I didn't end up doing the homework as I had planned.”
8. 我可以在这个短语中使用动词的过去分词吗?
9. “End up doing something”是否可以用于商务写作?
10. 我可以在这个短语中使用“because”吗?
解答:可以,但通常不会。比如,“Because of the bad weather, they ended up doing the meeting online.”