约翰·皮尔庞特·摩根(John Pierpont Morgan),美国著名的银行家、金融家,被誉为“金融巨擘”。他在19世纪末至20世纪初的金融界具有重要影响力。以下是一些JP摩根的经典语录,这些语录至今仍被广泛引用:
1. "The dollar is the common denominator of all calculations."
2. "The public, at large, does not understand the banks. They think that the banks are here to help the people, but that is not true. The banks are here to help themselves."
3. "A good bank manager is one who never makes a mistake."
4. "Money is like manure; it's not worth a thing unless it's spread around."
5. "The stock market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient."
6. "We must do business in a way that will not only win but will keep the customer coming back."
7. "Business is the art of making money, but good business is the art of making good money."
8. "Never invest your money in any business in which you would not be willing to work under the same conditions as the workmen."
9. "The world is not in a hurry, but Wall Street is."
10. "The best way to predict the future is to create it."
1. 问题:JP摩根是谁?
解答: JP摩根(John Pierpont Morgan)是19世纪末至20世纪初的美国著名银行家、金融家,他在美国和全球金融史上具有重要地位。
2. 问题:JP摩根的经典语录是如何流传下来的?
解答: JP摩根的经典语录通过书籍、文章、演讲等多种渠道流传下来,被后人广泛引用。
3. 问题:JP摩根的哪句话最著名?
解答: “The dollar is the common denominator of all calculations.”(美元是所有计算的共同基数。)这句话最著名,因为它揭示了美元在全球经济中的核心地位。
4. 问题:JP摩根的语录是否都反映了他的商业哲学?
解答: JP摩根的语录确实反映了他的商业哲学,包括对银行、股市、资本运作等方面的看法。
5. 问题:JP摩根的语录是否对现代金融有影响?
解答: JP摩根的语录对现代金融仍有影响,许多金融家和企业家都从中汲取智慧和经验。
6. 问题:JP摩根的经典语录有哪些版本?
解答: JP摩根的经典语录有多种版本,不同来源可能会有所差异。
7. 问题:JP摩根的经典语录是否都真实可靠?
解答: 大多数JP摩根的经典语录被认为是真实可靠的,但也有部分可能存在争议。
8. 问题:JP摩根的经典语录是否适用于所有商业领域?
解答: JP摩根的经典语录主要适用于金融领域,但其中的一些原则也适用于其他商业领域。
9. 问题:JP摩根的经典语录有哪些是关于风险管理的?
解答: JP摩根的一些语录,如“Never invest your money in any business in which you would not be willing to work under the same conditions as the workmen.”,涉及到了风险管理。
10. 问题:JP摩根的经典语录有哪些是关于企业文化的?
解答: JP摩根的一些语录,如“We must do business in a way that will not only win but will keep the customer coming back.”,反映了他的企业文化观。